Saturday, November 15, 2008

Help Your Career in IT Management Soar to New Heights!

Whether you are part of IT management or you aspire to be, this resource provides a solid foundation that will help your career take off. The biggest challenge most IT managers face is striking the right balance between technology and the needs of the business. Not only do you need to understand technology and technical employees, you need to understand how to translate business requirements into positive action.
The IT Manager's Development Library is designed to help you bridge the gap between technology and the business and become a world-class IT Manager.
Please be focused...

Abdulraman O. Hakeem

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Break Your PMP Studies Into Small Pieces

Taking the PMP examination is one of the biggest steps you'll take in your career as a Project Manager and one of the most daunting. There seems to be an endless parade of information to stuff into your brain but don't be discouraged! By careful planning and structure, you can pass the exam with a minimum of stress and absorb more of the information you need to be a success in your chosen career.

The very first thing you need is a study plan. Assess your daily obligations; many people devote months to their studies and ignore the other things they need to do every day. Distraction sets in; catch-up becomes tedious and interferes with studies. List your normal schedule and then assign a daily time for study, usually 90-120 minutes. By establishing a routine, you have study time allotted and everything else that can distract you has already been taken care of.

Why assign a time limit for study? There are only so many hoops you can make your brain jump through before it tires and begins to stumble. Just like pushing yourself physically, after awhile pushing yourself mentally becomes redundant and you start to lose the progress you've made. By limiting your study time, you actually increase your retention and the amount of knowledge you can absorb!

If your goal is to be the best Project Manager you can be this may be one of the most important things you can do for your future. You'll only need sixty one percent to pass the exam but if you want to enjoy being the very best at what you've chosen to do, aim a lot higher.

Setting weekly goals and keeping track of your progress will not only encourage you as you study, you'll be able to make the most of your time and study more effectively. Instead of skipping around and perhaps missing an important area of study, you'll cover everything thoroughly.

It would be a good idea before you begin to make a chart of your objectives, week by week. This will help you to focus on daily goals but be sure not to cram too much into each session. You will retain much more by concentrating on one subject at a time. Since you need to learn so many things about so many subjects, it may be best to divide the subjects into categories that make sense to you. If there is something of particular interest to you that you really enjoy, you might place it in such a way that it "rewards" you after an especially difficult section of study.

Repetition is another good technique for solidifying your new knowledge. Believe it or not, repeating a fact to yourself creates a neural pathway that your memory can travel again. Rather than "burning" it into your memory, you're clearing a trail through the undergrowth with the important knowledge at the end of the path. By repeating something to yourself or writing it on paper, you're walking it home where it will stay as long as you visit it occasionally.

It's best to practice repetition every day for at least a month and ideally for two months. If possible, you should do your repetitive mental calisthenics when you first get up, as the brain is at its most receptive immediately upon awakening. Plus, relaxing in bed for ten minutes while you mentally repeat what you want to remember can be very pleasant and reinforce a positive outlook toward your PMP test!

You have undoubtedly heard of PMP boot camps, 2-5 day cram courses for the exam that can cost thousands of dollars and claim a 95% pass rate. Most boot camps base most of their class time on the PMBOK, which is available for much less than the cost of a boot camp. By reading through and highlighting the most important passages, you'll probably learn nearly as much for a fraction of the price of a boot camp. You would be better advised to make your plan, establish a routine, break your learning into small chunks and reinforce your learning through repetition.

A very important last suggestion--everyone needs a break. Even if you're enjoying your studies, you should take at least one full day a week to get completely away from it and do other things. It doesn't have to be a big production or cost a lot of money; a morning walk, reading, a movie, a play, or anything that truly relaxes and refreshes you is just as important as the work you do the rest of the week.

Cornelius Fichtner, PMP is the host of The Project Management PrepCast, the first true PMP podcast. It's the easiest way to prepare for and pass the PMP exam at

By Cornelius Fichtner

Why Your Computer Gets Slow Over Time, & What to Do to Fix It

The Windows registry is your computer's nerve center. All important information about your computer is stored there. Inside the registry are all defined options and settings for Windows. Because the registry is so vital to the functionality of your computer, it is of essence that you keep it running properly, because if there are problems, your system could literally be brought to a standstill Or, you get weird messages like "system32 hal dll".

Why do problems arise in the registry? Let's look at some of the reasons:

• Uninstallation of Programs and Deletion of Files - When you uninstall programs and delete files, some keys are left behind inside the registry. Windows keeps referring to these invalid keys which wastes time and resources. This slows the whole computer down

• Tracking Programs - Some programs that install themselves on your computer through web pages have different registry keys in different folders using different program names. To get rid of these programs entirely from your computer would mean deleting all associated registry keys. Who has time for that???

• Viruses - Viruses can alter existing keys inside the registry and generate new keys that are irrelevant and can be harmful. But if you try to edit the registry yourself, you could cause even more problems. like re-installing the operating system or even having to take your computer to a repair shop.

The best way to repair a corrupt registry is to use a registry cleaner. It will scan your system for errors and fix them, and will also perform future scans to make sure the registry is working well on a regular basis.

Is your PC running like a slug? Do you get weird messages such as "system32 hal dll?" If so, the registry is corrupt. Click here for a FREE SCAN to see what problems are in your computer's registry.

By Jeff Farley

How to Speed Up Your Computer - 5 Things to Look For

One of the most annoying things I have experienced is when I clicked on a website link stored in My Favorites and the page seemed to take forever to load up. Then, when I went to my word processor it too, took an eternity to load! When I'm operating a computer acting in this way, I will type words and they will show up on the screen about ten minutes later! Have you ever had this experience?

Sometimes a computer will slow down so much the Web pages and word processor files never open up. There can be several reasons why a computer slows down. In this article, we're going to discuss 5 things that tend to make a computer lose speed. So, you can avoid or correct these things.

1. Don't Let Your System Tray Become Too Full

In the lower right hand corner on your computer screen is an area known as the system tray. In this area of the screen, there are usually several icons. Some of them may be hidden out of view, in which case you would have to click on a little arrow that points to the right to expose all of the icons in the system tray.

These icons represent programs that are running now or will run in a moment's notice when some move you make on the computer signals them into action. This means you may have several programs running without your knowledge. These programs are constantly running in the background and are stealing your computer's resources. Certainly, this could slow your computer down. Many times, these background operations can slow your computer down to a stop!

Right click on each of these icons. This should open a screen that will let you turn their corresponding programs off. Any program installed on your computer could be started from the start-all programs menu. So, you're not the deleting the program from your computer when you get it out of the systems tray, you're simply controlling the program instead of having the program control you and your system's resources.

2. Need More Ram?

t is possible a PC could slow down because it is in need of more RAM. However, for this to happen, you would have to have installed some program that needs more resources to run than the other programs on your computer. So, if all your other programs are running as quickly as they used to, but one program, recently installed is slow, you probably need more RAM.

3. Are Things Heating Up?

I have seen computers slow down because they were running too hot. This of course, could mean there's some sort of a hardware malfunction inside of the PC. However, don't overlook the fact a computer will heat up too much if a slot cover, or the computer cover itself is removed.

Also, all fans in the computer should be kept free of dust. Dust can slow down the fan speed to the point the fan will no longer effectively cool the computer parts. Dust covering I C's can keep heat trapped in them as well. So, periodically unplug your computer, take its cover off and then blow out the dust with a can of compressed air.

4. Stop Automatically Running Programs

There are programs on your computer, usually spyware programs, that start running automatically periodically throughout the day. Make sure you start these programs, get into their control panel and make sure they run at times when they won't be getting in your way.

5. Keep Registry Cleaned With A Good Registry Cleaner

Probably the most profound and overlooked thing you need to do periodically is clean your registry with a good commercial registry cleaner. Make sure the registry cleaner is kept up to date and that it is a highly reputable piece of software. Also, in order to get the top speed out of your computer make sure the registry cleaner comes with a registry optimizer.

When your computer's registry becomes corrupt or unclean, it will need to have this registry cleaner run. A registry cleaner removers entries in the registry which are no longer needed. These no longer needed entries tend to send the operating system looking through massive directories of files for one that no longer exists. So, you can see how a computer with a clean registry will operate at a far faster speed than one that has a registry with many unneeded entries.

If your computer's registry becomes corrupt, it is not because you've done anything wrong. Normal use will corrupt a registry. This corruption wasn't too much of a problem in older operating systems. However, with Vista and XP, it doesn't take long for corruption accumulate and slow down a computer very noticeably.

The author, Ed Lathrop is a comp TIA A+/Network+ certified computer technician familiar with the operation, repair and upkeep of today's PC's. His site, Registry Repair Review, rates the latest registry programs and tells which registry cleaners work and which ones might actually be dangerous to your computer. Also, Repair Slow Computer gives you step by step instructions on how to get your computer speed back.

Article Source:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Find Cool Operations

Computer requires some instructions to work and provide the desired result for which it came into existence. When this instructions is provided to the computer for performing some specific tasks; it is only possible through some program or software. Software is not basically a data or task which is required by the user but it is set of an order which tells the hardware devices of computer to process data.

The software helps the user to operate the computer and get their desired result in easy and understandable way. Software is variable part of computer which helps to run and draw instructions to invariable part of computer called hardware and make use of it through these supportive software programs.

The software includes the programs which are used to perform their in-heritage motive of creation for the user to the real work from them. The software is available in wide variety according to desire of user and some software is made to make their need for users. The software is developed to fulfill the desired proper use of user according to their needs. Software is developing by software developer at large to provide different facilities to user so they can make use of this piece of equipment which is ultimate to do almost everything.

Taking example of graphic software which helps the people to alter or modify their picture and movies. People can save their pictures and movies on computer and these graphics software are used to draw or alter the pictures.

The "CorelDraw" graphic software is a powerful tool of designing and drawing the pictures, painting and tackling the designing need of user. It can design different models of art or painting and also editing of pictures. The dynamic tools are used to produce poster, broachers, business cards, and newsletter which are accessible in nifty interface.

The colors in this software are exclusive for users in various quantities and operator can make a color of his choice by blending up to his desired level. The multiple on screen color pallets provide accuracy in choosing colors quickly and with more flexibility than ever. The formats can be published in PDF file format to show an extra look to the project. You can control your images and fix the level of quality and you can change it according to your desire. The text can be placed on images so; you can write whatever you want on your desired images to make the maximum use of this application software. You can print your desired images in better quality in easy and convenient way which was never imagining before.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


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there are series of online business where you earn funds.
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Thursday, August 21, 2008

script type="text/javascript">
var googleSearchIframeName = "cse-search-results";
var googleSearchFormName = "cse-search-box";
var googleSearchFrameWidth = 800;
var googleSearchDomain = "";
var googleSearchPath = "/cse";

style type="text/css">
@import url(;

Custom Search

How to backup your computer data?

How to backup your computer data?

Eventually, everyone faces a data disaster. Are you ready? Unless all of your electronic files are expendable, you should be making backup copies of your most important data on a regular basis.

"Your backup is as important as your data and your time--because that's what it's going to cost you if you lose it," says Cheryl Frogley-Rawson, an IT consultant with Helpin' Out, a computer support company for small businesses and individuals. "Even if you have hard copies, it's going to cost you time to enter the information again."

·Back up regularly, back up often. It is important that you get into the habit of backing up your files on a regular basis. Just having things stored on your hard drive is not enough. A computer crash, a virus, or a hard drive failure can wipe out everything. Don't make this simple mistake! Back up everything at least once a week. Daily is better. If you use your computer daily, it is best to back up important files daily and other data weekly. At the absolute minimum, back up your files monthly.

·Keep several backup copies. Never back up over a prior backup copy - keep several copies over time so that you can back up more than one version if necessary. Remember, a problem that is backed up will remain a problem when restored!

·Be selective. You don't have to do a total system backup. In fact, why waste your time backing up all those executable program files when you can easily re-install them from the original media in case of a problem. Just back up your important files. Backing up the entire hard drive is time-consuming, not practical, and should not be done. A backup of specific data files is the way to go.

·Know what's really important. The most important things to copy are files you create yourself. Be they text documents, e-mail messages, pictures, or game saves, if you made them, be sure to keep their current backup handy. Beyond that, it's helpful to back up the configuration settings for any programs you use, along with critical Windows data such as the registry.

·Organize your folders. Backing up is easy if you set your folder structure properly. It's faster and easier to back up if all your files and subfolders are in a single folder, rather than having your documents scattered across the hard drive. The My Documents folder is a good place to store files on any Windows computer. When all your personal files are in one place you are less likely to forget a file when you back up. Organization can be the key.

·Use backup software to automate your everyday backup tasks. You don't have to copy your files manually. You can accidentally omit something, or simply make a mistake. A decent backup program creates the backup of your data reliably and automatically, and it will notify you in case of any problem, and will log the backup activity in detail. In addition, there are a lot more useful features, all usually for a very low price.
About the Author

Willson Peterson is computer expert and network engineer. He is the author of including "How to backup your computer data". He has website

Copyright 2005 Willson Peterson. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact.

Written by: Willson Peterson

Career Track: Computer Programmer

Career Track: Computer Programmer

Article: According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the outlook for employment for Computer Programmers is expected to grow with other industries through 2012. Positions for Applications Programmers and Systems Programmers will be abundant in consulting businesses, data processing firms and software houses.

Roles and Responsibilities :

The primary role of a Computer Programmer is to write programs according to the instructions determined primarily by computer software engineers and systems analysts. In a nutshell, Computer Programmers are the ones that take the completed designs and convert them into the instructions that the computer can actually follow. The instructions are coded into a programming language. In some cases, programmers are also expected to know platform specific languages used in database programming. Many programmers at the enterprise level are also expected to know platform-specific languages used in database programming. Responsibilities include updating; repairing, modifying and expanding existing programs as well as running tests to authenticate that the program will produce the desired outcome.

Applications Programmers are the ones that actually write programs to handle very specific jobs, revise existing software or customize generic applications while Systems Programmers write programs to maintain and control computer systems software such as operating systems, database and/or networked systems. In some smaller organizations, the programmers may also be responsible for systems analysis and the actual programming. In many cases, however, technology is replacing the need to write basic code which doesn't bode well for those considering entering the field. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, however, the "demand for programmers with strong object-oriented programming capabilities and technical specialization in areas such as client/server programming, wireless applications, multimedia technology, and graphic user interface (GUI) should arise from the expansion of intranets, extranets, and Internet applications. Programmers also will be needed to create and maintain expert systems and embed these technologies in more products. Finally, growing emphasis on cyber-security will lead to increased demand for programmers who are familiar with digital security issues and skilled in using appropriate security technology."

Advancement Opportunities :

The advancement opportunities for computer Programmers are many and usually start with a promotion to a Lead Programmer. A Lead Programmer position will more than likely include supervisory duties. System programming is usually the next career step for Computer Programmers who have completed systems software courses. Programmer Analysts and Systems Analysts are also logical steps. Many programmers are also finding that independent contracting and consulting gives them the freedom to pick and choose their projects.

Advancement Opportunities :

The advancement opportunities for computer Programmers are many and usually start with a promotion to a Lead Programmer. A Lead Programmer position will more than likely include supervisory duties. System programming is usually the next career step for Computer Programmers who have completed systems software courses. Programmer Analysts and Systems Analysts are also logical steps. Many programmers are also finding that independent contracting and consulting gives them the freedom to pick and choose their projects.

Educational Requirements :

Although required skills and training will vary dependent upon the position and industry in which you're working, the demand for skill sets is even more driven by technological changes. In some positions, graduate degrees may be required. While traditional language knowledge is still important, C++ and Java are the programming languages of choice. GUI and systems programming skills are also sought after. In addition, general business skills will be an asset in any organization. Systems programmers usually need a 4-year degree in computer science and extensive knowledge of a variety of operating systems. They are usually also expected to be proficient in database systems such as DB2, Sybase and/or Oracle.

Salary Potential : (As reported by the U.S. Dept. of Labor)

Position Salary Range (2003)

Median Average Earnings $60.290

Starting salary for graduates with B.A. in Computer Programming $45,558

Salary range for Applications Development Programmers $51,500 - $80,500

Salary range for Software Developers $55,000 - $87,750

Salary range for Mainframe Programmers $53,250 - $68,750

Industry Certifications :

Computer programmers have a variety of options when it comes to adding certifications to their resumes. It is strongly recommended that potential candidates attain Language certifications as well as vendor or software specific certifications.

For more visualization of this article along with the screen shots and more visit

About the author:

Exforsys is a community of developers specializing in C, C++, C#, Java, J2EE, .NET, PeopleSoft, SAP, Siebel, Oracle Apps., Data warehousing, Oracle/SQL Server/DB2 and Testing. Please visit for more tutorials and for IT Interview questions is an open database. If you are an IT Geek, please visit, to post your blogs about all Tech related fields.

Written by: Free Oracle,, C#, Oracle Apps training

Choosing a Laptop Computer Based on Hardware and Software Needs

Choosing a Laptop Computer Based on Hardware and Software Needs

Laptop computers are one of the most desirable techie gadgets. A laptop is a portable computer that could comfortably be used while on a person's lap - hence the name. It contains all the basic and necessary software (like Office System and Internet access) and hardware (like CD-Rom drive and Modem) features of an ordinary computer and still fits in an ordinary briefcase or backpack.

Advantages of Owning a Laptop

1. Portability.

Being portable, it can be brought along and used anywhere - school, work, vacation trips, unlike the ordinary desktop computer. This is especially handy to a person with a very hectic schedule and busy lifestyle. In this regard, a computer addict doesn't have to be a hermit anymore! He or she can go out under the glaring rays of the sun and still hold on to the best technological breakthrough product.

2. Convenience.

It is useful for the working person, for the student, for the hobbyist, and for a computer addict too. One can take notes in class, type and print assignments and reports, access the Internet and communicate with another person on the other side of the globe. Teachers and public relations officers can make use of the laptop to give a different dimension to their presentations. Some teachers also find students are more motivated when using a laptop.

3. Size and Weight.

The dormer and studio type apartment lessee would agree that a laptop would save them more space.

4. Image.

It cannot be denied that a laptop is cool. With its sleek shape and form, it can be very eye-catching. It also gives the statement that the owner is not outdated, that he or she is in keeping with the times, and finally, computer literate.

Laptops are not that expensive anymore, but this is not the kind of item a person would shop for every other week. Each and every laptop has its own demands, requirements and features. Features you may want to look for:

1. Size and weight. Laptops are portable, but their sizes and weight still vary. To be very portable, it must be small and lightweight. They usually weigh 5 pounds. If it will be used outdoors more often, the weight should not be more than 5 pounds.

The size of the screen is also important. The usual sizes are 12.1, 13.3 and 14.4 inches. Tiny screens, as small as 8 inches, are ideal for portability, but the demands of the eyes - to have a squint-free screen - should also be considered.

2. Sturdy. A laptop must be taken care of, but it would be more ideal to have a tough and sturdy one that will be able to withstand any accidental knock or minor bump. There are models available with shock-resistant hard drive mounts. It has to be durable enough if it will be taken outdoors often.

3. Internet connection. One has to be in touch with the rest of the online community. There are wireless connections offered already. To one with budget constraints, an ordinary 56Kbps modem would do to connect to the rest of the world.

4. USB port. This should also be carefully checked out so that the laptop can be used in many more ways. There should be at least one USB port if not more, for future expansion of adding other hardware. The USB port can be used for external keyboard and mouse, but it is most useful to create connection with digital cameras, external drives, and MP3 players.

5. Battery life. The battery life of the laptop must allow the user to use and enjoy it outdoors or in areas that do not offer power resources for the public. A reasonable battery life should not be lower than 5 hours. The battery life will determine the extent of freedom that can be enjoyed with the laptop.

There are 3 kinds of batteries available.

The Lithium-ion (Li+) is usually chosen. Li+ batteries have range that can offer the best quality.

Nickel metal-hydride (NiMH) batteries are less expensive, although they do not excle in terms of battery life.

Nickel cadmium (NiCad) batteries are the ones to stay away from. They require constant recharging.

6. Technical specifications. There should be enough RAM, storage space / hard drive and computing speed. The technical specifications would depend on the most probable purpose of the laptop to the owner. If the laptop would be used for playing 3D games, it is ideal to get at least a 256 RAM. If several music or video files will be stored, a larger hard drive should be considered, 40 gigabyte is ideal.

7. Price. Finally, the laptop should be reasonably priced. There are refurbished laptops available out there for those with strict budgets but there is a way to save money and still get the ideal laptop.

First, the purpose that the laptop will serve must be properly ascertained. This will avoid purchasing laptops with expensive features that would end up being unused. Don't buy 80 gigabyte of storage space if only 3 gigabytes will be used for documents.

Stick to your budget. There are many attractive add-ons in the computer shop like glow-in-the-dark mouse pads or wireless mouse. These may not be necessary and can add to the total cost.

Negotiate for add-on features. Lastly, it wouldn't hurt to try to negotiate for the price. 5% off can go a long way.

About the author:

David Arnold Livingston is a successful business owner and likes to stay current with technology. He recommends the resource: Laptop Unlimited

Written by: David Arnold Livingston




By M. Nasser Bey

I have been using computers for years now and have never owned a new one.
Like many people I had little money when I started looking for a machine.
Back in the early 90's when I got my first machine most new ones were way
out of my league in terms of cost, it was then i decided to try to get a used machine.

Early on; many used machines that I could find were from colleges and companies that were upgrading. These organization may have had contracts to buy new machines every year or two and so they just gave the machines away or tossed then in the trash in some case.

I started my search for a good used machine at the libray in the magazine stacks looking for computer magazines that listed used resellers. I found several and sent for infomation which usually meant a catalog. After saving money from my business I got my first used Macintosh in 1995, it was an old Mac SE. As time went on I found I needed software and internet access.

Using the software on the machine I began reading "readme" files on somthing called Gopher Space which was and still is a precursor to the web for file searches. Using a program called gopher I began locating free software all over the world. Other sites like and provide unregisterd copies of software I still use, if you can stand the message asking you to register everytime the program comes up it can be a pretty good deal.

As I began to build my small business I found it was useful to conduct trades of services for the things I needed instead of buying. One program I traded for was a Desktop Publishing program,that led to me offering ad space in the publications I created. I was able to trade services with several internet service provides for free internet access long before free access was being given away by the big guys. I have found that some Non-profit organizations give free internet access to people who provide information on the net, check the organizations in your area, if you find one that provides this service, tell them that you are an INFORMATION PROVIDER and fill out their forms. They will send you the software you need to go online. Just don't abuse their service by spamming anyone or you will get yanked!

I was able to locate much of the software I have been using in used bookstores since many such store have used computer how-to books and in the back of these books there are CD's or
packs of disks. some of it is out of date and unsupported but still very usable to go online or perform other tasks like writing or web browsing.

Over the years I began trading advertising space for more used computers, getting an entire system, a Mac IICx and 21 inch monitor for advertising space! Later I needed better systems and began looking around for where to get them , then I discovered Ebay (, after a conversation with a business contact. I began searching for what i needed and found that timing my bids in a certain manner often assured my winning the bid on the need equiptment.

I was able to bid on software and hardware that would have cost me hundreds more at retail.
To date I have about $5000 worth of equiptment and software that cost me less than $1500 to buy! You might say why bother looking for used stuff when new cost so little?

My answer is that you may not always need new stuff if some of the older stuff
will do. Take computers. I am now using a five year old Mac Power pc with 34 megs of ram and system 8.1, I use it mostly to web browse and desktop publish. I use a 56k modem too.

The processor on this machine is 90mhz, properly configured the machine brings my web pages up rather quickly, my mail downloads are quick aswell, both the machine and the 21 inch color monitor I use are used and work very well and have cost far less than new!
For alittle effort and some sound research you too can save money and have a good system, If however you are one of those people who has to have everything new than God bless you and go right out and get what you need. I have never paid retail for a computer related item and never will. Bartersites and trade sites of every kind are turning up on the net, just go to any browser search engine and type in BARTER or EXCHANGE OF SERVICES or AUCTION and COMPUTER , you are bound to find what you want for much less than full price. Once you start getting what you want in a computer for less you will wonder why you did not do this sooner.

Never pay for anything you can barter for.

Today ofcourse you can get a free computer from a big online provider or other company if you are willing to sign up for internet service for a year or more in some case and endure a mountain of advertising on your browser. Just go to any search engine and type in FREE COMPUTER. My own site at has links to bartersites and message boards to post your needs to. Good Hunting.

M.Nasser Bey Email:
visit our site at :

About the Author

Formerly Publisher of the Africalink
Trade Newsletter and Currently the Publisher of the AAA credit Guide, the Middle East Banking List, the Guide to Trade in Africa and Reports on how to make money in just about any field.

Written by: Muhammad Nasser Bey

Avoiding Spam, Scams and Computer Viruses

Avoiding Spam, Scams and Computer Viruses

One of the most popular pages on is about
avoiding scams, hoaxes and urban legends on the Internet
( Here are a
few ways to avoid some of the perils associated with being
connected to the rest of the world.

As a general rule of thumb, beware of any offer that sounds
too good to be true. This applies to products being offered
on the Internet and especially to any unsolicited offer or
spam you receive in your email. Many of these are scams.

The term "spam", in case you don't know, refers to any
unsolicited bulk email. If it's not addressed to you, or
you don't recognize the sender, or you're being asked to
buy something or pass along questionable information, then
that's spam. My advise is to "can the spam" by immediately
deleting any email you receive from anyone you don't know.

The best way to avoid spam, is to be very careful about who
you give your email address to. My advise here is to set up
a free email account and to give this email address to
anyone you don't absolutely trust with your personal
information. It almost never does any good to fight back
against spam. Your best course of action is just to delete
any unwanted email.

A trick that has been pretty successful for me is to set up
an email rule (or filter) that automatically sends any mail
not addressed to me to a special folder. Most of this is
spam and can be easily disposed of.

In addition to spams and scams, the other thing to watch
out for on the Internet is hoaxes, urban legends and false
information. There are many of these floating around the
Internet these days. Beware of any email that asks you to
send money for any cause, or to forward the email to all
your friends. Almost all of these are hoaxes. An excellent
resource for information on hoaxes, urban legends and false
information is

Another category of hoaxes involves virus warnings. If you
receive information that indicates you can get a computer
virus from doing anything except opening an email
attachment or running an application, then this is probably
false information.

Most computer viruses are spread by users opening email
attachments that contain the virus. NEVER OPEN AN EMAIL
the sender, make sure the attachment is legitimate before
opening it. It is much safer to delete any questionable
attachments and ask the sender to resend them than to
assume that the sender intended to send that email.

Your best defenses against computer viruses are: 1) caution
in downloading programs from questionable sources,
2) regularly scanning your drive with virus protection
software, and 3) backing up all your important data to a
different drive or media (floppy, Zip or CD-ROM) as soon as
possible. By doing all of these, if your system does get
infected, you can restore it with a minimum of hassle.

Always check out any offer or information you receive
before sending any money or forwarding the information
to someone else. That way you can rest easy knowing you
aren't getting scammed or passing along an urban legend.

About the Author

Garth Catterall-Heart is an Internet Guide for new users to the
Internet. Learn about browsers, e-mail programs, search
engines, making money, avoiding scams, creating and
promoting web sites, and some simple tips for a better web
surfing experience at

Written by: Garth Catterall-Heart

Becoming a Computer Trainer

Becoming a Computer Trainer

Have you ever attended a computer course at a computer training
center and really thought about much money they make on teaching
students? I know when I first started taking classes it just amazed
me on how much money the training centers make for teaching many of
the most popular Microsoft Office courses offered today. Of course
there is big money in certification courses, but the majority of the
home and small business users just want to learn how to use products
like Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook FrontPage and Access. That is
were the computer trainer comes in to the equation.

You see, many people do take courses at computer centers but many
don't like to or have to travel to the centers. Some students
don't like the large classroom environments so many don't
even go. Don't even get me started on Computer Based Training
(CBT) and Web Based Training (WBT) methods of teaching. Don't
get me wrong, computer training centers are good and very attractive
to the public. Many of the centers offer very good courses and have
very knowledgeable instructors. The problem is they can't offer
one-on-one assistance to the customer like personal computer trainer

The computer training business can be a very profitable and enjoyable
business for a new business owner. For example, no too long ago I
attended a course myself and realized I was sitting in a class full
of students. After calculating the number students by the price of
the course, I realized the center just made over $2000.00 for only
seven hours of work (the class could have been done in half that
time). That is good money for a computer trainer that could have gone
on-site and conducted the same training. Not only did the center make
over $2000.00, they did it for only one level. There were four more
levels for the same course. Someone is making some very serious
money, don't you think?

Whether you know a lot or a little about computers, you can become a
computer trainer in not just Microsoft Office products but in a
variety of computer related fields. My advice is finding your niche
by looking at not only your talents but your passion. If you do
decide to become a computer trainer, nothing can stop you if you have
the drive and desire to be successful.

About the Author

Roger Younce owns and operates QuickLearn Computer Training Services
in Cabot, Arkansas. QuickLearn Computer Training Services offers all
types of Microsoft Office training for individual users and small
For more information visit the QuickLearn Computer Training
Services website at

Written by: Roger Younce

5 Ways To Make Night-And-Weekend-Computer-Life Rich

5 Ways To Make Night-And-Weekend-Computer-Life Rich

Are you a computer-worm? Do you thrive on a computer 24/7? A “computer-worm” is analogous to “book-worm” – a person who spends most of the time working on a computer. Do you expend most of your time reading or writing emails, chatting with friends, watching movies, listening to music, cyber-window-shopping, etc? Do you relegate your important tasks of completing a school assignment, working on a contingency project, etc to realize later that you spent the prime-time idly? In this article, you would discover few ways of improving your cyber-life – how to make your working on a computer more useful and much more effective.

Technology revolution has supplemented the ease and increase of computer usage. The overall at-home global active internet use for a number of selected countries grew by two-thirds of a percentage point from February 2004 to March 2004 (Nielsen//NetRatings). Switzerland exhibited the largest growth rate at over 3 percent, while U.S. added the most active Internet users over the month. With this enormous increase in internet usage you have to keep the following 5 ideas in mind that would help increase the efficiency of work that you do while on your computer off-work.

1) Chat or email kills your time-

Avoid opening a chatting application, or an email application as your first window. When you find one of your friends on the chatting window (or email from one of your friends), you inadvertently start conversing with the person. On the other hand, if you do not find any friend, you search for a new chat-buddy. In both the cases you deviate yourself from important tasks. This hinders you from working on essential activities that you intended to do when you started the session.

Instead, make a habit of completing tasks that you planned before opening a chat window or an email window. Treat yourself with a chatting session (or an email session) for completing the daily (important) tasks.

2) Audio speakers add to your entertainment-

Turn on your pair of audio speakers, if you have one. Listen to online news, success stories, motivational speeches or jokes while working on your important tasks.

Online news is becoming common day after day. You can view and listen to news on many websites. You would find it easy to access online news channels if you have a “superpass” with Real Networks ( Nevertheless, websites like MSN (, ABC News ( offer feeds to news and other interesting stories available for free download.

3) Do smart-browsing not the hard-browsing-

When you read on the internet, do it intelligently. One way of intelligent reading is to increase your vocabulary. Look up difficult words in the dictionary when you read documents on the web. You can use innovative internet tools like XemanteX ( that provide an online-running-dictionary. You can read through the document with a built-in dictionary. Just double click the word to get the meaning on the same screen.

4) Online games as concentration tools-

Play online games. Games not only give you entertainment but also help you increase your concentration. There are many websites that offer free subscription to the games on their website. Perform a Google search on “free online games” that would bring up thousands of resources. Enjoy playing a game, improving your personal skills at the same time.

5) Help your mind concentrate-

Split your entire sitting into various sessions. You would be able to give out more every session. Take a coffee or tea break every 45 to 60 minutes. This would help your mind free up its resources and get back on track after the break. Moreover, this would help you avoid narrow thinking. One gets to think through a narrow channel when deep concentration.

Okay, I told you 5 simple and common ways to make your off-work computer life easy. Try them out and feel the difference. You would be happier and feel more accomplished. As you know internet has redefined human’s life. Computer, which was used only by intellectuals and elite a few years ago, is a basic requirement for a common man now. To add fuel to the fire, internet has supplemented its power transforming them the best communication tool. Instant messaging, emailing, electronic news, etc allow for fast and easy communication among the internet users. Very soon, computers would be indelible parts of our life. You should realize that the tremendous power that this internet has can only be harnessed when it is put to use in the most efficient way.

Prasad Kopanati is the Vice President of XemanteX Inc. (, an internet company offering language related services as dictionary tool displaying meanings for words appearing in the text on the internet web pages. You can reach him via email at

Written by: Prasad Kopanati

14 Household Ways To Protect Your Computer From Viruses

Computer viruses are deadly. They often spread without any apparent contact and can be a nuisance, or even worse, fatal to your computer. Individuals who create these viruses, estimated at 10-15 new ones a day, are the electronic version of terrorists. Their goal is to inflict havoc and destruction on as many people as possible by disabling, stealing, damaging, or destroying computer and information resources. Often, they have no specific target in mind, so no one is safe. If you access the internet, share files or your computer with others, or load anything from diskettes, CDs, or DVDs onto your computer, you are vulnerable to viruses.

Fortunately, there are good guys working just as hard as the hackers to develop cures for viruses as quickly as they send them off into cyberspace. And there are many things you can do to keep your computer from catching viruses in the first place.

Defining Viruses:

A virus is a small computer program that can copy and spread itself from one computer to another, with or without the help of the user. However, viruses typically do more than just be fruitful and multiply, which is bad enough in itself because it hogs system resources. Anything else viruses are programmed to do, from displaying annoying messages to destroying files, is called their payload. Often, they cannot deliver their payload until an unsuspecting user does something to make the virus execute its programmed function. This could be as simple as clicking on an innocent looking file attachment with the .exe (executable) extension.

Catching a Virus:

Most viruses are spread through e-mail attachments because it's the easiest way to do it. Although Macintosh, Unix, and Linux systems can catch viruses, hackers are particularly keen on exploiting the security weaknesses in anything Microsoft, particularly Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express. Because of the popularity of this software, hackers get maximum bang for their buck, and they probably get some satisfaction from continually reminding Microsoft that being big doesn't mean you're perfect.

Solution 1: Anti-virus Software

Your first line of defense is to install anti-virus software. To be extra safe, also install firewall software, which is now included in some anti-virus packages. This software can scan all of your drives for viruses and neutralize them. Here are some features to consider when evaluating anti-virus software.

- Compatibility with your operating system - Make sure the software works with your system, particularly if you are using an older operating system like Windows 98.

- Firewall software - If it's not included, find out if it's available. If you must, buy it from another vendor.

- Automatic background protection - This means your software will constantly scan behind the scenes for infections and neutralize them as they appear. This provides some peace of mind.

- Automatic, frequent updates - Because new viruses appear every day, you'll want regular updates. It's even better if they occur automatically when you connect to the internet. If automatic updating isn't included, you'll have to check the vendor's website and download updates yourself. This is vitally important, because you will not be protected from new viruses if your software is out of date.

- Disaster recovery - Software with a recovery utility to help you get your system back to normal after a virus attack is always good to have.

- ICSA certification - The International Computer Security Associatioin has standards for the detection rates of anti-virus software. Make sure your software has the ICSA certification.

- Technical support - It's a good idea to select a package that offers free technical support, either online or through a toll-free number. If you're ever felled by a virus, you may need it. Some anti-virus software vendors are Symantec Corporation (Norton AntiVirus), McAfee Corporation (McAfee VirusScan), Trend Micro Inc. (PC-cillin), and Zone Labs Inc. (Zone Alarm Suite).

Solution 2: The Virus Scan

If you receive a particularly juicy attachment that you're dying to open, save it on your Windows desktop and run your anti-virus software on it first. To do this, click once gently on the file on your desktop ... don't actually open it ... then right click and choose Scan with (Name of Anti-Virus Software) to activate a virus scan.

If it's infected, your anti-virus software may neutralize it, or at least tell you the attachment is too dangerous to open. On the other hand, don't feel guilty if the very thought of saving a potentially damaging file anywhere on your system is enough to quell your eagerness to open it and make you delete it immediately.

Solution 3: Delete first, ask questions later.

When in doubt about the origin of an e-mail, the best thing to do is delete it without previewing or opening it. However, some viruses, such as Klez, propagate by fishing in people's address books and sending themselves from any contact they find to another random contact. You can spread a virus just by having people in your address book, even if you don't actually e-mail them anything. They'll receive it from someone else in your address book, which really makes life confusing. Because of the proliferation of porn on the internet, e-mail viruses often tempt victims by using sexual filenames, such as nudes.exe. Don't fall for it.

Solution 4: Beware of virus hoaxes

E-mails warning you about viruses are almost always hoaxes. You may be tempted to believe them because you typically receive them from well-meaning friends, who received them from friends, etc. These e-mails themselves usually aren't viruses, but some have actually fallen into the hands of hackers who loaded them with viruses and forwarded them merrily on their way as a sick joke.

The proliferation of e-mails about virus hoaxes can become nearly as bad as a real virus. Think about it, if you obey an e-mail that tells you to forward it to everyone in your address book, and they THEY do it, and this goes on long enough, you could bring the internet to its knees. If you ever want to verify a virus warning, your anti-virus vendor may have a list of hoaxes on it website. It's in the business of providing the fixes, so it will know which viruses are real.

Solution 5: Beware of filename extensions

The extension of a filename is the three characters that come after the dot. Windows now defaults to hiding filename extensions, but it isn't a good idea. Just being able to see a suspicious extension and deleting the file before opening it can save you from a virus infection.

To see filename extensions in all your directory listings, on the Windows XP desktop, click Start button | Control Panels | Folder Options | View Tab. Clear the check box for Hide extensions of known file types. Click Apply | OK. System files will still be hidden, but you'll be able to see extensions for all the files you need to be concerned with. Viruses often live on files with these extensions - .vbs, .shs, .pif, .Ink - and they are almost never legitimately used for attachments.

Solution 6: Disable the .shs extension

One dangerous extension you can easily disable is .shs. Windows won't recognize it and will alert you before attempting to open an .shs file. The extension is usually just used for "scrap object" files created in Word and Excell when you highlight text and drag it to the desktop for pasting into other documents. If this isn't something you ever do, or you have Word and Excell 2000 or later, which allow you to have 12 items on the Clipboard, click the Start button | Control Panel | Folder Options | File Types tab. Under Registered file types, scroll down and highlight the SHS extension. Click Delete | Yes | Apply | OK.

Solution 7: Dealing with double extensions

When you turn on your extensions in Windows, you'll be able to detect viruses that piggy-back themselves onto innocent looking files with a double extension, such as happybirthday.doc.exe. NEVER trust a file with a double extension - it goes against Nature.

Solution 8: Beware of unknown .exe files

A virus is a program that must be executed to do its dirty work, so it may have an .exe extension. Unfortunately, this is the same extension used by legitimate program files. So, don't panic if you find files named Word.exe or Excel.exe on your system - they're your Microsoft software. Just don't EVER open any file with an .exe extension if you don't know what the file's purpose is.

Solution 9: Watch out for icons

Viruses in attachment files have been known to assume the shape of familiar looking icons of text or picture files, like the wolf in the hen house. If you recieve an unexpected attachment, don't open it without first running it through your anti-virus software.

Solution 10: Don't download from public newgroups

What better place for a hacker to lurk and stick his virus than in the middle of a crowd? Sooner or later, someone's bound to download it and get the virus going. Don't download files and programs from newsgroups or bulletin boards, or open attachments sent from strangers in chatrooms ("Let's exchange pictures!") without first scanning with your anti-virus software.

Solution 11: Avoid bootleg software

This may seem like a no brainer, but sometimes that tiny price tag on a popular but expensive package can be too good to resist. Resist it! Likewise, be careful about accepting application software from others. You don't know where it's been, and what may have started out as a perfectly clean package could have become infected during installation on someone else's infected computer.

Solution 12: Protect macros in MS Word, Excel, and Powerpoint

A common type of virus uses macros. Macros are sets of stored commands that users can save as shortcuts to perform long functions in just a few keystrokes. A macro virus may perform such mischief as changing file types from text files or spreadsheets into templates, locking up keyboards, and deleting files. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint come with macro virus protection. To make sure yours is activated, open each application, then click Tools menu | Macro | Security. On the Security Level tab, make sure Medium or High is selected. Clcik OK. If you are already infected with a macro virus, you may find that the steps of this procedure are unavailable becasue the virus has disabled them. In that event, run a virus scan on your system to see if your anti-virus software can kill the virus.

Solution 13: Use passwords

If you share your computer, it's a good idea to assign everyone a password. Passwords should be a combination of letters and numbers no less than eight characters long, and preferably nonsensical. Never write passwords and stick them anywhere near the computer. To assign passwords in Windows XP, click the Start button | Control Panel | User Accounts. Follow the prompts to assign/change passwords.

Solution 14: Update application software

Microsoft constantly issues patches for the security holes in its operating system and applications software. however, don't be lulled into complacency if you have Windows Update automatically checking things for you. Update checks for patches to repair bugs in the operating system, not for security problems.

To get the latest security hotfixes (as Microsoft calls them), visit and look for hotfixes for all your Microsoft software, particularly Outlook and Outlook Express.

Microsoft also has a free downloadable package called Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) that scans your system for missing hotfixes. It works with Windows 2000 and XP Home and Professional only. It doesn't support Windows 95, 98, or ME.

To download the MBSA, go to the TechNet section of the Microsoft Website. Be warned that the information is written in techie language, so you may find it daunting.

Last Words:

Now that you know some ways for avoiding and dealing with viruses, let's wrap things up with some solution you've probably heard before but have ignored.

- Back up your files regularly - If a virus crashes your sytem, you'll feel much better if you've got backup copies of all your important files. Make the backup copies on a media that's separate from the computer, such as on diskettes, CDs, or zip disks. Scan them for viruses before you put them away to make sure they aren't infected. If they are, they'll do you no good if you ever have to use them because they will just transmit the virus right back onto your computer.

- Make a boot disk - Create an emergency boot diskette before you have a problem so you can start your computer after a serious security problem To make a boot diskette with Windows XP, put a blank floppy disk in the drive. Open My Computer, then right click the floppy drive. Click Format. Under Format options, click Create an MS-DOS startup disk. Click Start. Keep the disk in a safe place. With luck, you'll never need to use it.

- Turn off you computer - DSL and cable connections that are "always on" may be convenient, but you should always turn off your computer when its not in use. Hackers can't get to a machine that's powered off.

You are free to reprint this article in its entirety as long as the clickable URLs remain in the "About the author" section.
About the Author

Marv Ko has many years of experience in business software and security. He is the editor of and also oversees Email:

Written by: Marv Ko

10 Easy Steps to Speed Up Your Computer - Without Upgrading

10 Easy Steps to Speed Up Your Computer - Without Upgrading

10 Easy Steps to Speed Up Your Computer - Without Upgrading

By Jim Shutes
Lapeer Tech Group

It seems that the longer you own your computer, the slower it gets! A lot of people will keep their computer until it gets so slow that they feel they need a newer, faster model. Some feel like the reason it is getting slower is because it is getting older, when that is just not the case. Your computer should run just as fast as the day you brought it home – if you follow these 10 Easy Steps to Speed Up Your Computer.

1. Empty the Temp directory regularly. After a short while, the temp directory fills up with hundreds of temp files that always get scanned over when Windows starts up and when programs launch. This slows everything down immensely.

Rule of thumb for Temp Files: If you don’t have any programs open (and nothing minimized in the bar below), then you shouldn’t have ANY temp files in your temp directory. If you do, delete them.

To delete Temp files, make sure NO programs are open, and…

a. In Windows 95, 98 or Me, go to C:WindowsTemp and delete everything inside the Temp folder.

b. In Windows 2000 or XP, it is a little trickier. First, make sure that you can see hidden folders. Double-click My Computer. Click on the Tools pull-down menu, and then on Folder Options. Click on the View tab. Scroll down and click on Show Hidden Files and Folders. Click Ok. Now you can go to the C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp folder. Delete everything here.

2. Empty the Temporary Internet Files regularly. To empty Temporary Internet Files, go to your Control Panel and double-click the Internet Options icon. Choose to Delete Cookies, and to Delete Files. This will clear all of your Temporary Internet Files.

3. Check your hard disks for problems.

a. For Windows 95, 98, or Me, double-click My Computer. Right-click the C-drive and click on Properties. Click on the Tools tab and choose to check the computer for problems. If you choose to do a Thorough Scan, this will do the hardware check for physical disk damage or sector damage. Choose to fix any errors it finds.

b. For Windows 2000 and XP, double-click My Computer. Right-click the C-drive and click Properties. Click on the Tools tab and choose to check the computer for problems. Click on Check Now. You will then have two check boxes. The top option is for the file check, and the second option is for the hardware (physical disk) check. Check either one, or both. At least check the top one. Hit ok, and reboot. This may take some time, but let it run.

4. An even more thorough disk check, would be to use a 3rd party utility. One of my favorites is TuneUp Utilities 2004. It does cost $39.99, but they do offer a FREE download trial of 15 days. This program does a really good job of fixing software and physical hard drive problems. It also tunes up your system for increased speed, and streamlines your operating system for peak performance. Download it HERE...

5. Or, you can do a few of the performance tweaks yourself, if you have Windows XP. By default, EVERYTHING is turned on in Windows XP. It isn’t very streamlined for performance, but rather for appearance. You can turn off a few of the unnecessary features, and Windows will still work just fine, and maybe a little faster.

To do this, right-click on My Computer and click on Properties. Click on the Advanced tab. Under the Performance section, click on the Settings button. On the Visual Effects tab, you will see a list of check boxes. By default, these are all on. You really don’t need any of them for Windows to run. Go through the check boxes one by one, and determine which ones you can and can’t live without.

6. Turn off Active Desktop. Active Desktop turns your desktop into a web page, and allows you to have things like a real-time calendar, and up-to-the-minute weather or stocks. These are nice, but really slow down your computer. And even if you don’t use Active Desktop for anything, just having it active can cause a performance decrease. Turn it off.

a. In Windows 95, 98 and Me, right-click on the desktop and in the pop-up menu, choose Active Desktop. Inside that option, uncheck Active Desktop. If there is no check next to it, then it isn’t on. Don’t choose it. Instead, just click the desktop again to get out of the menu.

b. In Windows 2000, right-click on the desktop and in the pop-up menu, choose Active Desktop. Inside that option, uncheck Show Web Content. Again, if there is no check next to it, then it is not on. Do not check it.

c. In Windows XP, right-click on the desktop and in the pop-up menu, choose Properties. On the Desktop tab, choose Customize Desktop. Now, on the Web tab, make sure that there are no websites chosen here. If there aren’t any, then Active Desktop is not on. Cancel and go back to the desktop.

7. Install and run a good AntiVirus program to keep out viruses that can take over your system. One of my favorites is AVG. It is not only a really good AntiVirus program, but it is also FREE! If you don’t have any AntiVirus software on your computer, get AVG AntiVirus NOW by downloading HERE...

8. Get rid of Spyware. A lot of computer users have Spyware and don’t even know they have it, much less how to get rid of it. If your computer has been taking you to websites that you don’t want to go to, or if you get pop-ups when you aren’t even on the Internet, or if your computer has been running extremely slowly lately, for no reason, you probably have Spyware.

On all of the computers that I setup, I install two different AntiSpyware programs: AdAware SE and SpyBot. These two programs are highly recommended by TechTV (G4) and other computer authorities (including my own research on Spyware) and work very well together. They compliment each other and catch Spyware that the other misses, but together, do a very good job.

Get SpyBot HERE... Download all updates and run the Immunize option a couple of times.

AdAware SE does a good job when you keep up on the updates and manually scan your system with AdAware. Get it HERE...

In some cases, when the Spyware has become too entwined into your system, even a computer repair technician can’t get rid of the Spyware. At this point, it is better to just backup only what you need and have the operating system reinstalled. Believe me, when your computer gets to this point, you don’t want to just put a “band-aid” on it. Just start from scratch with a clean system. It’s the best way to go.

9. Streamline MSCONFIG. One thing that really causes a HUGE performance decrease is to have unnecessary programs running in the background. Some of these programs can be seen in your System Tray (located next to the clock). These are tiny programs that are robbing you of memory and processing power. Some of them you need, while most you don’t. Some of the programs you DON’T need are printer icons, CD burning icons, shortcuts to programs (such as video settings), AOL, any Instant Messaging Programs, etc. Just because these programs aren’t always running, doesn’t mean that you still can’t print, burn CDs or Instant Message. They can all be run from a shortcut.

You can use a utility, called MSCONFIG, to turn OFF unnecessary Start Up items.

a. In Windows 98, Me, and XP, click on StartRun and type msconfig. Click on the Startup tab. This is a list of everything that is running in the background, some of which show up in the System Tray. Now, be careful, some of these you do need. Some items to keep are Ctfmon.exe (XP), Scan Registry (Win98, Me), Task Monitor (Win98, Me), System Tray (Win98, Me), LoadPowerProfile (Win98, Me), Rundll.32, any AntiVirus programs (such as McAfee, Norton, or AVG). Others, you can uncheck, such as NeroCheck, ypager, qttask, AOL, and any other Instant Messaging programs, or printing programs. Remember, if something doesn’t work, because you turned it off, it can always be turned back on. You just have to reboot every time you make a change here. But, as you uncheck the unnecessary programs that run in the background, you will see that Windows loads much faster, that there are less icons in the System Tray, and that your system is much more “snappy” and quick to respond.

b. In Windows 2000, MSCONFIG wasn’t supplied. You actually have to download and run an MSCONFIG utility. Download the MSCONFIG utility HERE...

After you reboot, you will have a window that says that the configuration utility was edited. Just check not to show that in the future, a check box at the bottom. This just means that there was a change made to the MSCONFIG.

10. Defragment your hard drives. NOTE: to efficiently defragment a hard drive, it likes to have 25% free space. It can still do the defragmentation with only 15% free space, but it takes quite a bit longer. If you can, delete any unnecessary files before deframenting your drives.

a. To defragment your hard drives (in any Windows operating system), double-click on My Computer. Right-click on the c-drive and click on Properties. Click on the Tools tab and choose the bottom button, to Defragment Now…

Good luck. I hope this article has helped you. If you live in the Lapeer County, MI area, and would like a Professional professionally TuneUp your computer(s) in your home or business, please contact Lapeer Tech Group at (810) 793-1093, or visit our website at

About the Author

I have worked in the IT field since 1989 and hold several Microsoft certifications. I am a network administrator and owner and operator of Lapeer Tech Group, located in Columbiaville, Michigan (just outside of Lapeer). During these years, I have supported both Macs and PCs, am an accomplished graphic and web designer, and have had the opportunity to support 2nd and 3rd level enterprise networks for GM, EDS, Delphi and Delco.

Written by: Jim Shutes

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Audio Files Present Challenges For Computer Forensics and E-Discovery

Unified communications is the term used for integrating all communications - data and voice - over the Internet. This can include data in its myriad forms such as email, instant messaging data, data generated by business computer applications, faxes, and text messages. But key sources include voice sent via network avenues or stored on digital devices, such as VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol), voice mail, audio-video, web conferencing, white boarding, and .wav files. Such integrated communications can save money from operating budgets.
Savings accrue from, among other expenses, doing away with long distance charges when using VOIP, from dispensing with the need for travel to meetings when they can be held in a virtual environment, or from travel to far-away classes when an instructor or team can be using a whiteboard from disparate physical locations. Savings like these accrue to the 26% of businesses that have adopted them. But when litigation demands discoverable data, .wav and voice-based files can be difficult and costly for a computer forensics expert or an e-discovery system to search and index.
There are many tools designed for searching text files, and even for text from deleted files. These range from computer forensic suites such as EnCase and Access Forensic Toolkit that each costs thousands of dollars, to open source tools, including hex editors that cost the user nothing at all. The more extensive packages may be less expensive in the long run when billable humans are added to the mix.
There are many wildly expensive e-discovery systems in place to assist in storing and indexing the large masses of data that are generated on a daily basis in the corporate environment. Services may be outsourced, or brought in-company. Again the cost of putting the systems and procedures into place may pale against the sanctions and fines that could result from not being ready for litigation, should it arise.
There are also many effective tools for scanning paper documents into text files, which are then searchable.
While many of the tools for searching and storing data are effective, and accurate, when it comes to audio, no such level of accuracy or ease yet exists for the purpose of searching for specific information. There are currently three means of searching audio: phonetic search, transcribing by hand, and automatic transcription.
Phonetic search technology matches wave patterns, or phonemes, to a library of known wave patterns. For example, the acronym "B2B" would be represented by the following phonemes: "_B _IY _T _UW _B _IY" (Wikipedia example from Nexidia, a company involved in speech recognition systems). Given the wide variation in modes of speaking, pronunciation, accents and dialects, the accuracy of this method is spotty. It produces many false hits. And while it may identify sections and phrases that are of interest, it doesn't transcribe the audio into text - the audio must then be listened to.
Manual transcription of audio so that transcribed text can then be automatically searched, is time-consuming. As it depends upon a listener to type the words as they are heard, this labor-intensive task can also be very expensive. There may be security concerns, as the audio goes outside the company (or perhaps the country) to be transcribed.
Machine transcription is the one automated means of converting audio to text. But it suffers from accuracy issues. It compares "heard" audio with known libraries, again facing issues of differing pronunciations, terms not in existing libraries, and clarity of recording. While high-quality recordings can lend themselves to recognition rates of 85% or so (a positive-looking number until compared with the nearly 100% accuracy of pure text searches), when dealing with voice mail, accuracy dips down as low as 40%.
The new Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) require companies to have a means of identifying key communications and data sources. That data must then be saved. For the sake of efficiency, both in the optimizing amount of storage required, and diminishing the volume of data that must be identified and produced for litigation, it is also important to be able to accurately identify data that is unnecessary.
While requirements for retention of data increase, and storage costs go down, identifying what audio should be kept and what should be deleted can be costly. As such information is digitized, it must nonetheless be stored and indexed (or searched after the fact). The technology is not mature, and is evolving. There may be an opening for an innovative company to prosper here, especially if able to produce some kind of breakthrough in voice-to-text technology. In the meanwhile, companies face a difficult issue in deciding what stays and what goes.
Steve Burgess is a freelance technology writer, a practicing computer forensics specialist as the principal of Burgess Forensics, and a contributor to the recently released Scientific Evidence in Civil and Criminal Cases, 5th Edition by Moenssens, et al. Mr. Burgess may be reached at or via email at
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Are Wifi Internet Connections Open?

Did you know that your wireless internet access signal can extend beyond your house walls and out on the streets? Your next door neighbor and anyone parked nearby can open their laptops and see your wireless signals.
Routers and broadband modems have pre-installed user name and passwords known to every hardware and software engineer. They are easy to guess based on the SSID of your wireless signal. One a wireless signal is detected and connected, knowing its IP is very easy. Jumping from one IP to another and tracking its router just takes a few seconds. Sitting in one city a hacker can visit another cities modem through your connection. Once he gets to this modem, viewing the source code revels its user name and password.

Roaming all around the city we found many wireless internet connects open without security enabled with the same SSID. These are mainly due to hardware vendors use the same SSID to install your connections. The password is usually "admin" or "password" for most routers of Cisco and Huawai.
Sending spam emails through these hacked accounts have been a common feature in recent times. The user email is genuine.

Suggestion for securing your network:
1. Change the default username and password of your components
2. Restrict network for connections
3. Install WEP or WAP password
4. Do not broadcast SSID

These suggestions will surely help individual users to prevent crime over the internet. Hackers searching for open WiFi connections will not be able to send emails using your accounts. Any crime committed by them will not be your responsibility.
Nilam Doctor

Computers As A Fire Hazard And The Benefits Of Industrial Computer Protection

Computers are now part and parcel of every business and allow us to perform tasks in a fraction of the time than it would have done years before. However, there are downsides and while most IT systems can seem innocuous, in certain environments they can be a potential hazard.
A spark is normally the cause for most explosions, especially when electronic equipment is used in a volatile environment. Wherever a circuit is broken or near to another conductor, it causes a short and electric currents can arc through the air, igniting any nearby combustibles.
At the end of 2005, an electrical fault at one of the world's leading computer research centres at the University of Southampton; started a fire that would lead to £50 million-worth of damage. It took over a hundred firefighters ten hours to bring the eventual blaze under control and whilst it was fortunate that there were no fatalities, 300 staff and research students found they had nowhere to work. The University have just reopened in a new £70 million building but other companies are not as fortunate - nearly half of all businesses that are closed by a fire never reopen and a third of those that do so, still fail in the following three years.
The law under EU's ATEX directive does order companies to identify any potential hazardous areas into zones and all computer equipment has to be able to operate safely in those environments. Although many of these areas are easily identifiable such as where liquid fuels, flammable gases and explosives are stored; explosions and fires can also occur under less obvious conditions, such as where there is a lot of dust or particles suspended in the air. Even areas not deemed hazardous can be at risk from malfunctioning computer equipment, particularly when machines are left unattended or switched on for long periods of time. Like the computer monitor at the newspaper office in Virginia, that was left on overnight and sparked. Whilst not in a particular hazardous area the amount of newspaper lying around provided enough fuel to completely gut the offices of the Carolina Coast and Virginian-Pilot newspapers destroying decades' worth of records.
Of course there have always been solutions to these problems, you can makes sure the area is swept clean every night but can you be sure a monitor hasn't been left on and a pile of papers left nearby? Of course specially designed, intrinsically safe computers are widely used in highly hazardous areas, but these are expensive particularly in areas where explosions are deemed unlikely and there is a need for several machines. While it is certainly better to be safe than sorry the cost can be crippling, especially if you have to keep upgrading your IT.
However, lower-priced alternatives to the conventional intrinsically safe and air-purged computer systems exist and enables you to use existing PCs and monitors and provides protection specifically in ATEX Workplace Directive' Zone 2, or areas where explosions, although deemed unlikely, could briefly occur. This allows companies the freedom to keep using their conventional IT and replace and upgrade it as necessary - whilst still keeping the same enclosure. It also enables piece of mind for those machines that although not in specific hazardous areas are often left unattended.
Copyright 2008 © Richard N WilliamsRichard N Williams is a technical author and a specialist in the industrial computer industry helping to develop industrial computer enclosures and protection for all environments. Please visit us for more information about computer enclosure solutions.
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Computer Forensics is Changing the Way We Fight Crime

Crime fighting has moved to a new and different playing field in recent years. There has been a great push to come up with new and ingenious methods of fighting crime in order to combat the new territories crimes are covering. The best tool in the war on crime in the information age is computer forensics.
Computer forensics is a highly specialized type of computer work that when done properly can uncover information that has been lost (whether intentionally or deliberately) from the computers main memory. The information remains but the computer can be told to ignore the existence of that particular data. Someone skilled in computer forensics can find that lost (or misplaced) information and restore it. In some instances this becomes evidence and in other instances it can lead to more information or the real evidence. Regardless, when it comes to computers, digital forensics is an important tool.
Using computer forensics can uncover all kinds of crimes in order to make the world safer. People will say thins and research things online. Those things become a matter of record. Hanging out in message boards and forums leaves a trace. Searching for certain information leaves a trace.
The places criminals visit online leaves a trace that someone skilled in computer forensics can find. Some evidence is found more easily than others depending on the types of efforts that were taken to remove the trail they left behind. In general, though that information is more difficult to hide than most people realize. Especially to hide from the capable hands of someone trained to dig it out.
What Kind of Information can be Uncovered?
When it comes to fighting crime, there are many ways that computer forensics has proven to be effective. The information that is uncovered can be anything from espionage to theft and several other crimes in between. Evidence of affairs, money laundering, smuggling, and other crimes have also been uncovered as a result of computer forensics.
The most important thing to remember about computer forensics though when you find yourself in need of this vital services is that you need to make sure you find someone qualified to handle the job if you want it done right and you want it done well. This is not a job that just anyone off the streets can do. For the other side of the crime fighting table, computer forensics can be used in order to discover evidence to exonerate the falsely accused taking justice one step further and insuring that crime fighting efforts are aimed in the right direction.
CyberEvidence is a leading computer forensics business in the Houston area. Their specialist staff can assist you with all your computer forensics problems, whether your in the Houston area or in another part of the country. For more details, please visit:
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A Handbook On How To Reconstruct Microsoft Xbox 360

Out on the Internet you will discover a high various pointers on how to rebuild your xBox, and they are basically limited in how to, rebuild Microsoft xBox 360 guides.
Even if it has a "cultish" behind among console gamers, various hardcore gamers allow also complained regarding the many difficulties that they come across erstwhile loving their event. '
Highly simply, there are concerning two types of issues that bother, and hence brought out the need, for reconstruct of xBox 360 consoles.
xBox consoles suffer from one main error - they are produced wit reduced LSI heat sinks, creating them entirely disposed to overheating. You can distinguish if an xBox is overheating when the console's screen freezes. Several gamers quickly point to the towel resolve to resolve this. But the towel resolve has, in fact, confirmed to be a fire hazard.
Microsoft committed one major project mistake when it downsized the LSI heat sink on the xBox consoles because it made it greatly simple for the console boxes to overheat. You will sense if your console is overheating if the screen suddenly stops. Gamers acquire regularly resorted to the towel fix as a solution. However, this has proven to be a risky and a fire risk.
Hardware breakdown
You will recognize if your xBox console is distressed from a hardware problem if three sections on the capacity button are flashing red lights. Hardcore gamers name it by other names: "red lights of death", "3 red lights" or "red rings of death".
The red lights incident certainly doesn't identify you anything aside from that when this occurs, your xBox console turns out to be unusable, and you will accept no option but to put out a facts "where can I get reconstruct for my xBox 360?"
Certainly, the best solution is to send your console to a Microsoft xBox 360 reconstruct go shopping. In all prospect, they would acquire a spiel about how the brittle soldering on the console's motherboard afflicted its power to resist high temperature. on the other hand, it has been established that the extreme difficult part of an xBox console are its intercooler form and its Graphics Processing Unit or GPU. The intercooler uses also much control, therefore causing difficulties, like scorching the influence input. On the other hand, the GPU can definitely be affected by a flexing in the console's motherboard.
However, when you forward your console to a restore center, you would affirm to wait at least four weeks before you can like console gaming pleasure. Then extremely, if your console is out-of-warranty (even with an extended warranty by Microsoft), you would affirm to invest $140 for the restore.
There are many xBox 360 repair handbooks that you can immediately denote - whether they are in the form of instructional videos or books. You can convert to them when your xBox 360 console unexpectedly bogs down, putting a lid on your inspiring sport. And you can enjoy your event once more in as directly as 30 minutes.
I hope this article was helpful. for more information about How to repair microsoft xbox 360" free guide click here. If you want a FREE UNIQUE version of this article to your site contact the support in my site.
David Shell has a solid background in Engineering and also has an interest in computers and electronics (cell phone pc expert), with this combination He may be able to give a little help to those looking for information in one of these fields. You can also visit my site at now I would love to see you.
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Understanding Data Loss and Data Recovery

Losing data is the worst thing that can happen to someone who is too attached to computers. It is not a question on "how attached" a person is, it is a question on how much a person earns out of his data. In other words, for beginner computer users, losing files is like losing common documents, but for developers, it means losing source files. Source files are projects developed with the use of certain complex application. Losing them is close to losing a career!
Data recovery is the solution to lost files. Data do not just disappear in one click but some of them are stored and could be recovered. The means of data recovery depends on the diagnostic and troubleshooting on how the functioning of the computer started.
It is not easy to determine problems in the computer for a novice, but for experts, events with PC sounds, speed change, temperature and booting problems are just some signs and symptoms of a lingering problems which could lead to data loss. Corrupt files occur when there is direct disturbance changing the data properties. When a project file can't be opened, it is possibly corrupt. Latest softwares have the capability to recover files in one execution.
Simple documents have high potential possibility of destruction. Complex applications involving vectors with larger project files, when corrupted, have the least chance of recovery. Examples of which are computer aided design applications, graphic arts editor, video editors and programming applications.
What are the kinds of flaws that trigger data loss?
Physical Defect Of Peripherals - hard disk damages show signs of file corruption before affecting the raw data. Upon knowing the sign of hard disk failure, it is important to make back-ups to avoid losing current and past data. Accidents and unavoidable circumstances can also cause peripheral damages in a PC, which can lead to data loss.
Overheating of the CPU can lead to chain reaction and shut of the computer. Constant crashing without proper shutting down procedure is one of the harshest of data destroyer. Usually the current file being worked on before the big crash happened is the one rendered useless afterwards.
Virus Attack - computer intruders will not give computers any benefit. Virus is always created to destroy data. By installing an effective anti-virus, this problem can be avoided or can be resolved easier than not having one. Careless downloading of any freebies in the Internet is harmful. It is important to understand how adwares can harm your local file in just one click. Virus propagators in the net are using advertising tools to gain access remotely to any private data.
On the onset of viral attack, do not do anything in the computer or leave it on any further. The more it is left functioning, the more the virus will spread and destroy the system. If you suspect your PC has been attacked, give it an instant cold boot. Do not use it unless the purpose is data recovery and diagnostics.
Accidental Format - A person could be too drunk booting the PC and accidentally executing the format command! Formatting is the greatest mortal sin one can execute to a disk rich with important data. It is the last resort when a disk has too many garbage needing a good overhaul. Formatting a disk is erasing the entire disk for good. Some good utilities have means to UNFORMAT and regain back the lost data in a formatted hard disk.
Bob is the owner of All Electronics which is an up-to-date, informative electronics website.
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New music will come directly to your computer and you will waste no time or money when doing this. Instead, look at, among other things, your income, payment history, credit card accounts, and any outstanding balances. The web conference calls provide an opportunity to each and every participant to present his or her views, slides, information, etc., while others can listen and see the presentation. There is no extra hardware required to make web conference calls, as it just involves connectivity through Internet. Digital photos on the other hand are bits and bytes stored file. You can take as many photos as you want view them and delete them. Most software programs for creating the postcard format.
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Registry tools help you repair corrupt registry entries that help you resolve several errors. Most of the time, these frequent errors, freezes, and crashes force you to seek external technical help to restore your PC back to a healthy state. Repairing the registry all by yourself is a suicide mission of course, not you. In fact, even if you were a computer tips technician, it would still be next to impossible to prevent all registry errors from occurring. Every time you give a command, the registry is where it heads to complete the assigned tasks. The registry is where all the crucial information is stored. You should also note that the more heat the CPU generates, the slower it will likely respond. This increased temperature causes it to behave erratically, resulting in very slow reaction time. Checking Out Your Hardware There are many reasons why a computer may become sluggish and unresponsive.
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Ronald Firquain is a writer, marketer, entrepreneur, webmaster and has 16 years of computer knowledge. You can download e-books for making money online, building a website, improve your golf game, playing guitar and much more. For more information go to: computer tips
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